REEL SUSPECTS - as SALES All rights, World

Drama - Completed 2024

Troubled youths are sent to a mysterious base for punishment and discover their dark past as a site for horrific experiments. Now haunted, they must unite to survive the lurking dangers and internal conflicts. Their escape will require confronting the base's sinister truths and their own fears.

    • Year of production
    • 2024
    • Genres
    • Drama, Horror
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 83 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Bilguun CHULUUNDORJ
    • Writer(s)
    • Bilguun CHULUUNDORJ
    • Producer(s)
    • Tsogtbayar NAMSRAI, Zanabaldan BATSAIKHAN
    • Synopsis
    • "In a remote corner of the world, a group of troubled youths finds themselves whisked away to a mysterious military base after a series of misbehaviors. Expecting little more than a stern reprimand, they are instead thrust into a world of secrets and shadows.

      As they arrive at the desolate base, they are greeted by cold military personnel who offer scant explanations for their presence. Tasked with undergoing a series of rigorous challenges and transitions, the youths quickly realize that there's more to this base than meets the eye.

      Their worst fears are realized when they stumble upon the base's darkest secret: it was once a clandestine research facility where unspeakable experiments were conducted on human subjects. Now, the remnants of those experiments roam the halls, seeking vengeance on anyone who dares to uncover the truth.

      Trapped within the confines of the base, the youths must band together to survive. With each passing challenge, they confront their own inner demons and forge unlikely alliances. But as tensions rise and secrets come to light, they realize that their greatest threat may come from within.

      In a desperate bid for freedom, they must unravel the mysteries of the base and confront the sinister forces that lurk in the shadows. But with time running out and danger lurking around every corner, the odds of survival grow slimmer by the minute.

      In the end, it will take courage, strength, and sacrifice to escape the clutches of the base and emerge from the darkness into the light. But for those who survive, the journey will be nothing short of life-changing, proving that even in the face of unimaginable horror, the human spirit is capable of enduring and overcoming."