By Jr .


Documentary - Completed 2010

    • Year of production
    • 2010
    • Genres
    • Documentary
    • Countries
    • FRANCE
    • Duration
    • 80 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Jr .
    • Writer(s)
    • Emile ABINAL
    • Producer(s)
    • Agathe SOFER (27.11 PRODUCTIONS), Juliette RENAUD (27.11 PRODUCTIONS)
    • Synopsis
    • The meaning of the film is to narrate a collection of segments of women’s lives from different continents. Brazil, Kenya, Cambodia. The violence suffered by women is the extreme expression of discriminations and worst crimes. When meeting them, JR wants to testify their force, their courage and their noble struggle : first to
      live, then to exist. Avant-gardiste, JR is part of the new wave of artists in contemporary Art, experimenting in the cinematography techniques of the future. Working undercover, he transforms streets, buildings, warzones and entire villages with his photographic observations – forcing viewers to see art that they might not
      otherwise encounter.
      JR works with a 28mm lens, with a wide-angle focal length, and often stands just a few centimeters from his subject. His photos are up front, honest and open. JR plays with identity and forces us to ask questions about people we think we know, giving a new approach to the way they are represented. The intention of the film 28 MILLIMETERS – WOMEN is to go behind the image and bring it to life. The women play the lead role in this film, it is their stories. It is not in any way an investigation nor a classic documentary film. JR is part of a generation of young artists who communicate using their expertise in digital and video techniques rather
      than storytelling in the traditional sense.