Drama - Pre-Production 2025

A submariner wakes on the bottom of the ocean to find NO WATER and sets out across the dry sea floor for answers. But when he continually stumbles over his own troubled past, realizes he may not want to know everything he's kicking up.

    • Year of production
    • 2025
    • Genres
    • Drama, Action/Adventure
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 5 - 10 M$
    • Duration
    • 110 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Bob YOTHERS
    • Writer(s)
    • Bob YOTHERS
    • Synopsis
    • A young SAILOR, BILLY, is imprisoned in a crippled submarine in Pearl Harbor for months on end. And finally freeing himself by crawling through a torpedo tube finds to his horror, that not only is he's utterly alone, but that ALL THE WATER OF THE PACIFIC OCEAN IS MISSING.
      As he wonders through the empty cities of Hawaii in search of answers, Billy finds his mind drifting back to the events that helped shape his life: His first car, first love, when he ran away from home as a child and his mother came to his rescue.
      With the islands fully explored, he gathers provisions and sets out to investigate the ocean floor. There, his flash- backs continue and he starts to believe that the ‘actions’ of his life have caused this awful predicament.
      One night Billy is awakened to find that the only other living thing on the planet is an infant gray whale squirming in vain in the sand, in an easterly direction. He builds a makeshift sleigh and travels toward the rising sun with her in tow.
      Billy feels better somehow - A new friend, some sort of purpose, yet eventually finds what the infant was so desperate to
      get to - a whale graveyard. With it's last breath, she passes away and the sailor leaves the infant to be with her kind.
      Determined to return to his own birthplace, Billy continues east to Los Angeles, but consumed by his flashbacks, doesn't notice ‘the others’ following him.
      Convinced that his current predicament is now because of what he ‘didn't do’ in life, he stumbles into clues that reveal the cataclysmic events silencing the Earth and her seas.
      With his arrival in Los Angeles, more desolation, devastation - but he is not alone. There are people pursuing him. Ghosts of his past, ghosts that want something from him... He runs in terror finally making it to his family home.
      There, to his surprise, his mother, as she was when Billy was a child, invites him inside. Unable to accept her offer because of his fear, she reveals that all his actions and inactions led to desirable conclusions for all. And that the ghosts that were pursuing him were only trying to say - thank you.
      Once inside and bathed in the unconditional love of his parents does Billy understand that he has died months earlier in his submarine. And that a meteor sank the seas into the Earth's crust, extinguishing all life. He was the very last ‘spirit’ to find it's way home so that the Earth can finally rest in peace.