By José Celestino CAMPUSANO


Drama - Completed 2009

Viking is a respected motorcyclist of licentious life but, paradoxically, rigid in which it does to the application of certain moral rules. The honor and the respect are their codes, although they are not present coherently in all the dimensions of its life.

& Awards

Rotterdam IFF 2018
Deep Focus
    • Year of production
    • 2009
    • Genres
    • Drama
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 90 mn
    • Director(s)
    • José Celestino CAMPUSANO
    • Writer(s)
    • José Celestino CAMPUSANO
    • EIDR
    • 10.5240/442F-812A-F0E6-8190-D297-R
    • Synopsis
    • Vikingo is a story that exposes, powerful and deep as life itself, the conflict between two groups from Buenos Aires suburbs.
      Vikingo is a motorcyclist. Though his way of life may be licentious somehow, he’s a very respected man, strong and rigid on the application of certain moral precepts.
      His code is based in the concepts of honor and respect, although they aren’t always present in his own life. His majestic presence reminds of some warrior from the middle age.
      Vikingo, as well as his fellow motorcyclists, practice an anarchic primary way of life that nowadays may look an anachronism for us. They always dress in black and refuse being part of any sort of crime. Their vehicles are usually enormous homemade tricycles, with horns and animal skulls on their handlebars.
      Vikingo has a quiet, pacific nature. Never the less, he lives in constant rivalry with a teenager named Villegas, who is not only a drug dealer but the permanent leader on outrageous crimes.
      Villegas and his gang impersonate the lack of codes, deeply set on the absence of respect over the own life as well as other people’s.
      The conflict grows deeper when Villegas starts involving Vikingo’ s nephew in his felonies .
      There’s a weak balance between Villegas’s gang and Vikingo’s group. But some day a lonely motorcyclist called Aguirre arrives to the hood running from a love trouble and Vikingo takes him as his guest. Then things get harder. Aguirre’s intervention will help tipping the balance and keep, not without blood, the thin string that holds peace by those lost landscapes.