By Mukunda Michael DEWIL


Action/Adventure - Completed 2012

A foreign traveler (Walker) unknowingly picks up a rental car that will tie him to a web of corrupt local police.

    • Year of production
    • 2012
    • Genres
    • Action/Adventure, Thriller
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 85 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Mukunda Michael DEWIL
    • Writer(s)
    • Mukunda Michael DEWIL
    • Producer(s)
    • Peter SAFRAN (The Safran Company), Ryan HAIDARIAN (Forefront Group)
    • Synopsis
    • Michael is breaking his parole conditions to visit his ex-wife in a foreign city. At the airport the car rental company mixes up his booking.
      As he drives into town a phone beeps from inside the glove compartment, the message: "Make sure. Keep it clean." He shrugs it off, but looks around the car and finds a gun. The phone rings: ‘You were meant to acknowledge receipt of message." Then the line goes dead. Michael can’t afford any trouble. The phone rings again. A voice explains the car was meant for an undercover policeman. He is given directions to drop off the minivan.
      When Michael gets stuck in a ditch on a dirt road he accelerates hard - and a woman, bound and gagged, rolls out of the trunk. She’s the kidnapped witness in a corruption trial: without her testimony there is no case. Desperate not to get involved he suggests she talk to the cops. When he arrives at the drop-off, he learns the cops are in on it - they will stop at nothing to eliminate any threat to them.
      Michael has a life-long habit of running from problems but this time running is not an option.