Tom Yum Goong tells the story of Kham, a simple village boy facing the challenge of his life. Kham and his father own two elephants, which they dream of presenting to his majesty, the King of Thailand. When the precious elephants are stolen and sold to Australia by a Thai gang boss, Kham realizes that the only way to save them is to take on the gang. Even with the help of a Thai policeman and a Sydney-based Thai girl, Kham faces an uphill battle against gang boss Madame Rose and her fearsome sidekicks. An action-packed movie dramatizing the power and beauty of Muay Thai, the Thai traditional form of defense and martial art. “His fists seek justice, his kicks mean vengeance. His name is legend… Tony Jaa, star of Ong-bak, returns.”
Partners & financing
Sahamongkolfilm International Co., Ltd/Baa-Ram-Ewe Production
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