By Kohei OGURI

SHOCHIKU CO., LTD - as SALES All rights, World / DISTR Theatrical, TV, DVD-video, VOD, Airline, World / PROD

Drama - Completed 1990

Winner of the International Critics Prize at Cannes in 1990. After 35 years, Director, Kohei Oguri’s 80th Anniversary in 2025, a restored film is ready. He proves acutely into male egotism, marital guilt and the difficulty of forgiveness from the novel by Toshio Shimao.

    • Year of production
    • 1990
    • Genres
    • Drama
    • Countries
    • JAPAN
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 115 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Kohei OGURI
    • Producer(s)
    • Seiya ARAKI
    • Synopsis
    • A writer, Toshio, regretting the suffering he has inflicted on his sedate wife, Miho, by having kept a mistress, decides to reform. Too late: the wife has already become unhinged, obsessed by the mistress and vivid imaginings of her husband’s private life. The seesaw of marital symbiosis is captured with alarming poignancy in pure, serenely grave, formally composed images. They bear ironic witness to Japanese politeness and reserve being scraped away, as both partners, facing off like demented Bunraku puppets, torment each other with a perverse alternation of willfulness and passivity that threatens reason itself.