Based on a story by Robert Louis Stevenson ("Treasure Island," "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde") Estranged friends Frank Cassilis (Craig Sheffer, "A River Runs Through It") and Northmour (Daniel Riordan, "Dreamgirls") are fatefully reunited after six years and drawn together in an uneasy union. The two men play out old scores and suspicions as they struggle in their separate ways to protect an evil, decrepit embezzler, Huddlestone (Richard Chamberlain, "Petulia," "King Solomon's Mines"), and his hardened but beautiful daughter, Clara (Patsy Kensit, "Lethal Weapon 2") from vengeful former associates. Both men desire Clara, but she has been promised to Northmour in exchange for her father's safety. With Cassilis' arrival, Northmour has to work hard to ensure that his carefully orchestrated plans are not disturbed. Shifting alliances and the stark fear of the imminent danger that faces them turn the island sanctuary and its lone pavilion into a pressure cooker. The situation explodes with the arrival of Huddlestone's pursuers. His savage death and a night of terror culminates in a macabre dance of deadly madness and repressed passions, all bathed in the glow of the burning pavilion. Cassilis, Clara and Northmour face an ashen dawn. New links have been forged. New futures chartered. Yet choices still remain as Cassilis and Northmour face off for the last time under Clara's steely gaze. As weapons are raised, one question remains: How much blood must be spilled before one can learn the price of love and loyalty?
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