Charles Duprey (William Forsythe, “The Rock,” “City by the Sea”) is having a midlife crisis. His job as a comic strip salesman is going nowhere and his wife Shirley (Nancy Allen, “Robocop," "Out of Sight") is leaving him after 12 years of marriage. Dubrey’s friend and colleague, Willie (Michael McKean, "Best in Show,"), convinces Duprey to drive to Reno for a gambling holiday to help him get over the breakup. Along a treacherous winding back-road to Reno, Duprey is forced to swerve violently to avoid a stalled car. A man called Hunter (James LeGros, “Drugstore Cowboy”, “Enemy of the State") apologizes to the irate Duprey and explains he has car trouble. Against his better judgment, a very reluctant Duprey offers Hunter a ride to the nearest town. Duprey’s concern grows as Hunter becomes more and more unbalanced. When Hunter reveals that he has killed a woman, Duprey begins to panic. Tricking Hunter at a rest stop, Duprey flees from the deranged hitchhiker and speeds away. A terrifying game of cat and mouse develops leaving several grizzly murders in its path. Forced to run for his life from his nightmarish stalker, Duprey discovers the truth behind his chance meeting with this lunatic. This was, in fact, no accidental encounter. “The Pass” is a taut, nonstop thriller in the tradition of classic film noirs. Also starring Elizabeth Pena (“Rush Hour,” “Jacob’s Ladder”) and Jamie Kennedy (“Scream,” “Three Kings”).
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