The story unwinds during the last week before the arrival of an alien civilization on earth. This arrival has been announced by various government officials during the nightly news and it doesn’t seem to cause a stir in the population. The aliens arrive in a tired and disappointed country during a hard and full blown economic crisis. The reaction of the people goes from racism (Now they’ll rob our jobs just like the Chinese did before them!) to crazy religious/mystical interpretations of the event. This is the background of our story. However, we’re not going to narrate the story of a population but the life of Luca Bertacci, a man who is having serious relationship problems, who was abandoned by his mother when he was a child and who has grown up to hate women. He has difficulty trusting anyone and above all he is incapable of feelings. Due to this emotional block, Luca has become an outcast without passions or dreams and he spends his life going to work (he’s a bartender at a bingo hall), rare dinners with his father (who reminds him of his suffering for being abandoned by his mother, that damned woman….) and a secret and unmentionable attraction for his neighbour. Luca doesn’t want and can’t allow this attraction and so he tries to repress in every way. The arrival of the aliens is going to change everything. In the story, this arrival will unravel a genuine “revelation” for the main character. These aliens, who in shape and behaviour are very similar to the “grey-skinned” aliens in Close Encounters, however they are different because they have the ability to distinguish “what is Right from what is Wrong”, act behind the scenes to modify Luca’s life, initiating events that brings Luca to discover an unexpected and surprising truth about his mother and her “abandonment”, giving him a new opportunity in life and hope of happiness. At the end of the story it’s difficult not to think of these aliens and their arrival as a sort of “Last Judgment” for Luca, almost as a gift only for him.
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