By Marcos LOAYZA


Fantasy - Development 2021

A tyranny disguised as democracy has kept Raul, a painter whose work offended the powerful, in exile for more than 20 years. In the country they have supplanted his existence with a lie imposed as truth. And they have recruited his son, now a journalist for the regime.

    • Year of production
    • 2021
    • Genres
    • Fantasy, Road movie, Drama
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 0.6 - 1 M$
    • Duration
    • 90 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Marcos LOAYZA
    • Producer(s)
    • Santiago LOAYZA (AlmaFilms)
    • Synopsis
    • It is the story of two parallel journeys destined to come together. It is an inquiry about memory, how it is constructed and how it can be manipulated.

      A tyranny disguised as a democracy has kept Raul Raul in exile for more than 20 years.
      Raul, a painter whose work offended the powerful, has been in exile for more than 20 years.
      In the country they have supplanted his existence with a lie imposed as truth.
      a lie imposed as truth. And they have recruited his sonas one of their "journalists".

      Raul one day, without apparent motivation, perhaps tired of living far away, exhausted by his debts, leaves the apartment and makes the decision to return and leave the exile without measuring the consequences and with the objective of not losing his memory. A friend of the Teté family, involved with the regime, calls her son Maco, who works in the Ministry of Information, to alert him; the mother is suspicious of the call.

      Maco is forced to undertake a trip to try to reach his father so that he understands the danger of his return.

      Raul on the day of his departure is filled with memories. He gathers his last things, separates and saves a small gift, and loaded with his suitcases and a flower pot he sets off to leave town.

      Maco, with the help of Don Nestor, a frigid and affable official, sets out on the trip commissioned by the government and accompanied and supervised by Piscis, a cold and very efficient official delegate.

      Before leaving the city, Raul, assaulted by memories, goes to the public swimming pool, says goodbye to his friend, and gives him a plant and then excitedly also his watch, as if now the time did not matter to him, they embrace. As soon as they leave the city, Maco and Pisces have to go through a police control, both talk about the sense of so much control; both know the absurdity of such a presence, but each one maintains his point of view.

      In the bus terminal Raul feels invaded by his memories; he sees only the people's shadows and their shoes as an empty memory, but also his fears and visions.

      Sitting in the bus Raul not only has in front of him the landscape, but also his melancholic face reflected in the glass and the things that his imagination looks at and distorts.

      Maco and Pisces, although both work for the government, on the trip show their differences and their different level of commitment, Maco feels that Pisces is unapproachable.
      Raul returns to his empty house, all the furniture covered with dusty sheets, he does not know that his aspirations like many others will be truncated by the system.