Animation - Development 2027

A group of kids and their familiars embark on a perilous quest to discover a new species of golden butterfly spotted in the jungle near Columbia’s Lost City. But a shape-shifting witch is on their trail, hoping to find the key to the legendary secret city of El Dorado.

    • Year of production
    • 2027
    • Genres
    • Animation, Children's, Action/Adventure
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 3 - 5 M$
    • Duration
    • 85 mn
    • Synopsis
    • Pepe is obsessed with the desire to catch the golden butterfly he saw on his family trip to the Lost City in Colombia. He is joined by his online friends Bibi, Bobi, and their familiars, who arrive through an inter-spatial gate. Together, they set on a quest.

      The happy-go-lucky crew arrives in the jungle, where they sabotage the machinery of an illegal construction site. After confronting a group of unusually aggressive kinkajous and being chased by alligator men, the kids are saved by Madremonte, the nature fairy who warns them about the evil witch lurking in the rain forest.

      Arriving at the Lost City, the kids find and catch the golden butterfly, which turns out to be a small fairy. But the evil witch has been following them all along. She appears with her minions, imprisons the kids, and forces the Golden Fairy to open the secret passage to El Dorado. Our heroes must unite their forces and find a way to liberate the legendary Golden City.