Historical - Development 2025

The Children’s Train takes place through the former Austro- Hungarian Empire and into the Netherlands shortly after World War One. As adults, this war-time experience could be traumatizing, yet through children’s eyes, ones that have never NOT experienced the ravages of war.

    • Year of production
    • 2025
    • Genres
    • Historical, Drama
    • Countries
    • Budget
    • 1 - 3 M$
    • Duration
    • 90 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Bob YOTHERS
    • Writer(s)
    • Bob YOTHERS
    • Producer(s)
    • Roland GOTJÉ (Dutch Dragons Entertainment)
    • Synopsis
    • Our story begins at Cluj Station, Transylvania, with the pursuit and capture of two shabby street kids: ZSÓFIA (age 8), a serious girl with dark eyes, and her timid yet inquisitive little brother, JÁNOS (age 5.) At the last minute, they are thrown onto a departing turn- of-the-century locomotive called the Tüzvödör and look for every opportunity to escape.
      During their journey, we see the world through their young eyes making everything larger than life and even more intense. They must learn to interact with a whole
      host of children of various back- grounds and social status.
      Among them are: MIRCEA, a large, sensitive boy who cries easily; NARCIS, the train rascal who looks for every opportunity for mischief; twins CICI and BYNI,
      the daughters of former aristocrats, and CRINA, a budding young woman who resists adopting, BOGDI, an orphaned two-year-old.
      It is a fresh start of sorts for Zsófia and János. As they eagerly await their first hot meal in ages, CHEF ÁKOS mistakenly serves everyone rancid horse meat. Zsófia is smart enough to sense the tainted food, and she and János are the only children not to get sick. Rushing to their aid, their well-meaning Dutch chaperone, JAN VAN JAN, tries his best to comfort everyone, but is in way over his head.

      Deep in an ancient Transylvanian forest, the train is attacked by BANDITS on horseback. Two of them manage to climb on board. They run forward to overtake
      the engine compartment, but in- advertently trip over Zsófia and János and are subdued. They are
      forced to jump overboard and join their comrades shaking fists, de- termined to stop the train further down the tracks. The chugging Tüzvödör is not turning back.

      The Hungarian countryside serves as an enchanting backdrop as Narcis tells the children wise-tales of what to expect at the end of the line. The children find this excit- ing and frightening and huddle together begging for more.
      Zsófia and János discover an op- ulent coach attached to the back of the train carrying DUCHESS ELSA and her colorless assistant ALBERT.

      ...more in Presskit