By Paul KING


Romance - Completed 2008

An extraordinary comic odyssey from the industrial wastelands of Silesia to the bull fields of Andalusia. A funny, crazed and beautifully surreal road movie set entirely in a flat.

    • Year of production
    • 2008
    • Genres
    • Romance, Action/Adventure, Science-fiction
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 101 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Paul KING
    • EIDR
    • 10.5240/EA01-D741-57DC-3880-1F78-P
    • Producer(s)
    • Mark HERBERT, Mary BURKE (WARP X), Robin GUTCH
    • Synopsis
    • BUNNY & THE BULL is a road movie set entirely in a flat. Stephen Turnbull (Edward Hogg) hasn’t left the house in months. When an infestation of mice wreaks havoc on his precious routine, he finds his mind hurtling back to the disastrous trek round Europe he undertook the previous year with his best friend Bunny (Simon Farnaby).
      It all began with a feeble attempt to declare his feelings in a hokey Captain Crab restaurant, where Stephen was devastated to discover that the great love of his life had put him firmly in “the friend zone”. Bunny proposes that they go on holiday, determined to do something about “those walloping great space-hoppers” that Stephen has “clanging around in his pants”.
      At the local bookies, Stephen breaks the habit of a lifetime and takes a risk, putting fifty quid on a rank outsider. With the winnings, they launch themselves into a debauched road trip where they stumble upon a demented dog-loving tramp (Julian Barratt), an alcoholic ex-matador (Noel Fielding) and a quite astonishingly dull tour-guide (Richard Ayoade).
      But it is the superstitious waitress Eloisa (Veronica Echegui) who steals their hearts. An unlikely love triangle develops which propels them from the industrial wastelands of Poland to the haunting bull fields of Spain, where we finally reach the heart of Bunny & the Bull.
      A year later, Stephen’s flat becomes the springboard for an extraordinary journey through his memory. Like Alice in Wonderland, he finds himself on a voyage through psychedelic lands made up of snapshots and souvenir replica landmarks, newspapers and old clock parts.
      Combining the visual inventiveness of Michel Gondry and the bittersweet comedy of Sideways, BUNNY & THE BULL is a "Withnail & I" for the mentally ill – a funny, touching, beautiful and utterly unique journey to the end of the room.