ODIN MEDIA - as SALES All rights, World / PROD

Documentary - Completed 2016

    • Year of production
    • 2016
    • Genres
    • Documentary
    • Countries
    • RUSSIA
    • Languages
    • Synopsis
    • Several years ago, there was only one cause for concern at the Arab East - the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda. When the group called "Islamic State of Iraq" separated from it, many people thought that it was just a gang of insurgents who initiated local clashes with the civilian population in Syria. But today, according to experts, it is a multi-million army. And while the world community is arguing about their sponsors, they have learned how to make money themselves. Their main source of their income is oil. Recently they realized that there is another profitable commodity.
      All stories are told by young women who managed to escape. We would like TV-viewers worldwide, especially young girls, to hear stories of former captives. And maybe, if at least one girl watches this film and refuses the idea of joining her "beloved one" in Syria and becoming a wife of a terrorist, then we have done our job very well.