By Manuel PRADAL


Thriller - Completed 2009

Two young criminal brothers, the gorgeous, free-spirited girl they kidnap, a stolen Manet and a barge traveling the River Seine. A joyous, dangerous menage a trois blossoms...

    • Year of production
    • 2009
    • Genres
    • Thriller
    • Countries
    • FRANCE
    • Languages
    • FRENCH
    • Duration
    • 101 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Manuel PRADAL
    • Writer(s)
    • Manuel PRADAL
    • Producer(s)
    • Alain GOLDMAN (LEGENDE )
    • Synopsis
    • This is the story of two brothers, Julien and Louis, 25 and 14 years old - a couple of cocky blaggers. Small-time crooks who grew up on their own, practically attached at the hip, on their river barge. Now they make a living transporting gravel across Paris, from east to west.
      A dealer in stolen goods proposes they steal The Blonde Woman with Bare Breasts, a Manet on display at the Musée d’Orsay.
      Louis takes charge of theft and succeeds in stealing the painting. However, a young and beautiful museum guard, Rosalie, follows him back to the barge. After a quarrel, the brothers decide to kidnap her on their boat.
      Free-spirited and impulsive, Rosalie seizes this strange twist of fate as an opportunity to escape her previous life. Her life is transformed as she experiences the barge with the two brothers, taking summer swims in the Seine, living life to its fullest… and the feelings between the city girl and the river boys grow. Their joyful ménage-à-trois burns with poetry and passion.
      Inevitably, the previously inseparable brothers both fall in love. The bond between them is torn; Rosalie is playing a dangerous game. Meanwhile, the painting’s patrons are hot on their trail. Have they fallen too soon for Paradise?