By Johannes SCHMID


Children's - Completed 2022

Franz lives in Vienna and is the laughter of his class, being the smallest one and having an unpredictable beeping voice. In addition his teacher Zick Zack and the queen of the class Elfi are causing him headaches. He is very much up for any kind of advice ! One day Franz discovers an influencer

& Awards

30th Goldener Spatz 2022
62nd Zlin International Film Festival 2022
Official Selection
    • Year of production
    • 2022
    • Genres
    • Children's, Family
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • GERMAN
    • Budget
    • N/A
    • Duration
    • 90 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Johannes SCHMID
    • Writer(s)
    • Sarah WASSERMAIR
    • Producer(s)
    • Katharina POSCH (NFG Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion), Michael KITZBERGER (NGF Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion), Ingo FLIEß (if... Productions Film GmbH )
    • Synopsis
    • Franz is the smallest in the class and gets a
      beeping voice when he is excited. On top of that, he also has blond ringlets, which is why he is often mistaken for a girl. Besides these three problems, Franz fortunately has two best friends: GABI and EBERHARD. The two can‘t stand each other, and get along with each other mainly for Franz‘s sake. And then there is JOSEF, Franz‘s big brother. He doesn‘t explain anything to him, but mainly buries himself in his room.
      But then one day Franz discovers the Youtuber HANK HABERER on Josef‘s computer and tries to implement his “10 rules to become a real man“ together with Gabi and Eberhard. It starts with an episode in the fitness studio, where the three break in, and handle the equipment with a lot of enthusiasm and very little success. This is followed by: “A real man faces his fears“: Because there are a bunch of fears that Franz has. Talking to his teacher Mr. ZIGZAG, for example. Big dogs. Small dogs. Big children... and Franz is excessively afraid of the big old cellar of the house. Unfortunately, in his exuberance, Eberhard bets the whole class that Franz will finally stand up to ZigZag the next day with new self-confidence. Franz is completely desperate: There‘s no way he can go to school tomorrow.
      True to Hank Haberer‘s credo - “A real man is dressed like a real man“ - Franz gets himself a new outfit that can be described as “pirate meets biker gang meets metal shop“. And indeed, Franz, cool as Django, faces his teacher zigzag - and then says: Nothing. Even when asked if he has swallowed his tongue, he just grins provocatively. The class erupts in jubilation, even the cool kids Elfi and her clique now see him with completely new eyes...