Drama - Development 2020

Viki is forced to embrace her new life as a loner in a small town in Spain after her family moves permanently from Bulgaria. Her prophetic dreams lead her to intense encounters and love with another young woman and a man. It all reveals itself at her 15th birthday.

    • Year of production
    • 2020
    • Genres
    • Drama, Romance, Erotic
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 90 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Producer(s)
    • Synopsis
    • Viktoria’s father’s business grows and he decides to move the family permanently to a small city in Spain to open a new branch of his empire. Viki is the most popular girl in a high school in Sofia, and loves her status too much to leave it for a life in isolation in a foreign country. Not happy with her father’s decision, she discovers the town is beautiful and starts wandering the streets and quietly observing people’s lives. At night her dreams feel prophetic and they reflect the hidden reality in which she meets those same people from the streets and gets to know them personally. Her dream life slowly starts becoming her reality.

      One day Viki sees a handsome stranger and falls in love with him. She calls him “The Perfect Man”, but he disappears from the town soon after that. Viki becomes obsessed by the idea of finding his girlfriend, probably the “Ideal Woman”, if she actually exists. Her dreams turn into nightmares and all events seem interrelated as a series of horrific stories, involving her and forcing her to face the ugliest and most frightening things of life itself.

      It becomes unbearable when Viki witnesses a car accident and saves a woman called Rosa by calling an ambulance. This turns Viki into a local hero and Rosa insists on being her friend. Their friendship slowly becomes a love story as they grow closer and eventually become fascinated with each other, until Rosa finally seduces Viki and kisses her. The dreams suddenly stop and there is nothing to predict if Rosa’s boyfriend would ever come back since she figures out he is “The Perfect Man”.

      A platonic threesome is formed but only to celebrate Viki’s 15th birthday. The popular girl of the school is gone forever.
    • Partners & financing
    • We are looking for a producer and co-producers as well as locations and a scriptwriter in Spain or Latin America.