Social issues - Development 2026

Sophie, a “normal” American girl, is dragged into the Spanish queer community, where she breaks free from the rules and expectations that have governed her life.

    • Year of production
    • 2026
    • Genres
    • Social issues, Romance, LGBT
    • Countries
    • SPAIN
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 5 - 10 M$
    • Duration
    • 90 mn
    • Synopsis
    • American Sophie ( 27, asexual, lesbian in the closet... even to herself) is a model student: between her doctoral thesis and the violin, she has no time left for superfluous things like socializing or having fun Sophie
      travels to Madrid for a research stay, although her mother disagrees with her choice: why go to a frivolous place like Spain when she could go to a serious one like Germany?
      In Madrid, Sophie collides head-on with extremely informal work culture, which finds its ultimate expression in her supervisor for the duration of her stay: Mugi (29, non binary, kinky), a visibly and proudly
      queer disaster. Not only is Mugi late for meetings and inappropriately dressed, but they flirt shamelessly with the head of the research group: Cal (bisexual, HIV-positive), a dapper Scottish academic in the midst of (yet another) mid-life crisis.
      Sophie asks Cal to assign her to another supervisor, but Cal insists that she give Mugi a chance. Reluctantly, Sophie begins to appreciate Mugi’s qualities: they are unconventional, but do their job surprisingly well, and
      are very effective at getting things done (especially those involving interpersonal skills, which are not exactly Sophie’s strong point).
      As she spends more time with Mugi, Sophie begins to learn the reality beneath their exuberant facade: a constant struggle with hopelessness and the feeling that they have no future. Although Mugi seems to have
      friends everywhere, their relationships are superficial and based on sex. The only things that seem to help, at least temporarily, are drugs, parties, BDSM and their obsession with Cal, an obsession that Cal enjoys and feeds.
      Interacting with Mugi makes Sophie question her worldview. She grew up convinced that deviating from the norm was unacceptable, but now she is increasingly interested in what lies outside of it. Gradually, Sophie explores and accepts herself as an asexual, Sapphic woman.
      On the other hand, as she becomes more dependent, Sophie stands up to her mother, who is far more concerned with money and appearances than with her daughter’s well-being.
      Sophie and Mugi navigate through their problems together, becoming increasingly intimate. But their desperation grows as Sophie’s time in Spain runs out. Mugi has found in her a true friend, someone who
      sees beyond their surfaces and believes in their future. And Sophie can’t even thing about returning “home”, a place where everything stays exactly the same and where she no longer fits in. When it seems that there are no options and Sophie will have to leave, Mugi asks
      her if she wants to marry them to get a residence permit. Obviously, Sophie answers “yes, I do”.