MATCH POINT - as SALES All rights, World

Comedy - Completed 2021

    • Year of production
    • 2021
    • Genres
    • Comedy, Romance
    • Countries
    • TURKEY
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 98 mn
    • Synopsis
    • Our story begins with the intersection of the paths of Bahar and Levent...as Bahar finds herself in the trunk of Levent’s jeep while trying to escape her brother’s creditors. Levent is stopped by police on the way to Alanya unaware of Bahar lying unconscious in the trunk. They take Levent to the police station when they find Bahar unconscious in the trunk. Levent, who has been released with Bahar's consent, wants to get rid of Bahar, not taking her back in his car. Fate brings them back together again when they bump into each
      other. He's forced to take Bahar back to his car when they meet. When they are driving together, their car is stopped and taken away because of Bahar, they have to stay in Levent's grandfather's vineyard house. But these unpleasant troubled encounters will lead them To fall in love with each other.