By Davide ROMEO


Romance - Completed 2015

Two neighbors, deeply infatuated but unable to express their feelings, mysteriously find themselves on a strange, in-between floor that blurs the lines between reality and dreams, compelling them to explore their unspoken connection in this poignant and heartwarming short film, Somewhere in Between.

    • Year of production
    • 2015
    • Genres
    • Romance
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 20 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Davide ROMEO
    • Writer(s)
    • Davide ROMEO
    • Producer(s)
    • Davide ROMEO (Quarantine Production)
    • Synopsis
    • Somewhere in Between is a poignant and evocative short film that chronicles the intimate journey of two individuals who share an unspoken, yet profound bond. While dwelling in the same apartment complex, they are physically separated by a floor, and the film highlights their daily routines and the unfulfilled desire for each other's companionship.

      One fateful night, an inexplicable occurrence transpires. The dividing floor between them fades away, and they find themselves waking up in the same bed. However, as they venture to leave the room, they discover that they are stranded in a perplexing and enigmatic realm. This mysterious space is neither on the 12th nor the 13th level, and they become enmeshed in their search for an exit.

      Eventually, they rouse from their slumber, relieved that their otherworldly experience was merely a figment of their imagination. Or was it? They encounter each other in the elevator, and with just a fleeting glance, they both realize that their mutual desire persists. It is a testament to the depth of their unspoken connection and the hope that it can be realized.

      The title, "Somewhere in Between," deftly captures the film's theme, which examines the notion that sometimes those who are closest can feel worlds apart. This romantic drama is an emotional tour de force that will leave viewers moved and inspired to believe in the power of love.