By Jeffery LANDO


Horror - Completed 2003

    • Year of production
    • 2003
    • Genres
    • Horror
    • Countries
    • USA
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 86 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Jeffery LANDO
    • Synopsis
    • Teacher Steven Harris, his wife Julia Young and their six-month-old baby are getting away from it all and heading up to the remote, island home of Julia's parents, Keith and Beth. Keith and Beth have plans to develop it into a resort but there is one thing that may hold them back: the Savage Family, squatters raised on morbid traditions and strict values who've been calling the island their home for generations.
      After Steven, Julia, and the baby are picked up by Julia's brother, Peter, they hit something on the dirt road leading up to the estate. Thinking it to be a coyote, they continue on not realizing the disastrous chain of events they’ve set in motion. Lying behind them, bloodied, is ten-year-old Jimmy Savage.
      Demanding justice, Ma and Pa Savage confront Keith. Keith, ignorant of the tragedy, pursues his own agenda, threatening the Savage Family with eviction from the island. As night falls, the Youngs come to realize they are trapped on the island, and their very survival will depend upon their ability to unleash the savagery within.