Kuntet profession as black magic shaman is selling services into the various society in his village. His work ensures materials, but none of the luxury giving happiness to his wife and children. His wife and son considered a blood money, still they are socially excluded from the communities. For that matter, Kuntet has a spiritual master known as Mbah Gulung. Then it was revealed that Kuntet must meet requirements to gain eternity power, which is many lifes of children. The death of the children from the village brought suspicious to the people towards Kuntet, but not easy to prove his wrong doing. Kuntet always able to calm the anger of the people from the village, he even swears that if he’s the one doing the killing, his body will not be accepted earth when he dies. In the end when kuntet work on his witchcraft to sent to Kusno eventually turns against him. Kuntet killed. And his sworn applies. His body repeatedly came out of the ground and returned to his house. Until it burns strike by lightning destroyed along with the house where he was doing his black magic…
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