Inspired by actual events, SAND CASTLE tells the gripping story of 19-year-old Matt Ocre (Nick Hoult), a machine gunner in the 2003 Iraq War. Matt and his platoon are sent on a mission to repair a damaged aqueduct in the increasingly dangerous village of Baqubah. Things quickly turn from bad to worse as the rising and deadly Sunni insurgency threatens to tip the already unstable region into full-on bloodshed and mayhem. In the face of overwhelming adversity, Matt and his comrades-in-arms, Falvy (Glen Powell) and Bartles (Beau Knapp), under the command of Captain Syverson (Henry Cavill), must tap into hidden strength and courage if they hope to get out alive. Directed by Fernando Coimbra, the acclaimed director of the award-winning thriller, “A Wolf at the Door,” SAND CASTLE provides an unvarnished look into the lives of actual soldiers during war and the true price they pay for their service.
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