


Drama - Completed 2023

An ailing old man’s pride is tested when his son leaves a plant at the doorway in the hopes that it might replace him in his father’s heart.

& Awards

El Gouna Film Festival 2023
Short Film Lounge
    • Year of production
    • 2023
    • Genres
    • Drama
    • Countries
    • EGYPT
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 21 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Ahmed ELSHEBINY
    • Writer(s)
    • Ahmed ELSHEBINY
    • Producer(s)
    • Ahmed ELSHEBINY, Mariam KHODAIR
    • Synopsis
    • Ali hobbles across the sitting room floor to the sound of incessant knocking. When he finally opens the front door, he finds a little boy checking a closed box and a plastic bag full of groceries. Ali asks the boy who brought them, but the boy doesn't know.

      Alone in his living room, Ali inspects the box containing a plant and a letter from his son, saying that he will not be able to be present physically with his dad and he wishes the plant to replace him.

      Ali’s pride is hurt so he throws the plant in the trash and goes about his solitary routine.

      When he goes to empty the trash, he finds his neighbor boy watering the dying plant. Ali takes it from him and starts to care for it himself. Slowly but surely the plant revives.

      Ali, however, suffers the strain of looking after the house on his own during the extended absence of the cleaning lady. As his condition deteriorates, so does the plant’s.

      The rage and vulnerability Ali has suppressed rises to the surface, and he bursts into tears.