Animation - Completed 2024

ROCK BOTTOM is an animated musical that explores the passionate love story between Bob and Alif, a young artist couple immersed in the creative whirlwind of the early 70s, through the music of Robert Wyatt.

& Awards

Fest. Animation Annecy - MIFA 2024
Official competition
Animator Poznan 2024
Atlantida Mallorca Film Festival 2024
    • Year of production
    • 2024
    • Genres
    • Animation, Musical, Drama
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 87 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Maria TRENOR
    • Producer(s)
    • Alba SOTORRA (ALBA SOTORRA S.L.), Miguel MOLINA (JAIBO FILMS, SLNE), Robert JASZCZUROWSKI (GS Animation ), Kiko DOMINGUEZ (Empatic Films)
    • Synopsis

    • In 1973 New York, famous rock musician Bob reunites with his former colleagues at a wild party filled with excesses. Amidst the chaos of alcohol, drugs, sex, and music, Bob, completely stoned, has a romantic encounter with Caroline, an admirer of his music. Meanwhile, Alif, his girlfriend, roams the city streets in search of him. Their paths intersect when Alif discovers Bob just moments before his accidental fall from the seventh-floor party venue.

      Miraculously, Bob's fall transports him back in time to a serene summer in Mallorca, months earlier. Accompanied by the enchanting melodies of Robert Wyatt's album, Rock Bottom, Bob and Alif enjoy an idyllic time on the beach, indulging in art, flirtation, and recreational drugs. Amidst surreal hallucinations, the boundaries between past and future blur, and the narrative shuttles back and forth between New York and Mallorca.

      The story takes a dark turn when Bob survives the fall but is left paralyzed. Alif's despair drives them into a downward spiral of cocaine addiction and isolation. However, a chance encounter with his former bandmates reignites Bob's creative spark and prompts a wild escapade through town. Meanwhile, Alif undergoes the painful process of withdrawal.

      As their paths diverge, Alif realizes she must break free from the grip of addiction, which seems impossible while in Bob's company. Selling his demos and leaving the money behind, Bob departs for New York to work on his album, while Alif starts her journey to recovery. Years pass, and through a series of life events, Bob and Alif, now in their seventies, remain steadfastly together, sharing a tranquil home in the English countryside.

      Despite the challenges they face, their enduring love and artistic pursuits prevail, offering a glimpse into the power of resilience and the beauty of lifelong companionship.