By Aysulu ONARAN


Action/Adventure - Completed 2024

In the summer of 1992, at the twilight of the Cold War, a courageous Kazakh military scientist must uncover the mystery behind a top-secret Soviet biological weapons test site on Rebirth Island, risking his life to help a CIA agent prevent a global apocalypse.

    • Year of production
    • 2024
    • Genres
    • Action/Adventure, Drama, Thriller
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 1 - 3 M$
    • Duration
    • 103 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Aysulu ONARAN
    • Synopsis
    • Summer of 1992, the top-secret military base “DUNE” on the Rebirth Island in the Aral Sea. Colonel Dautov of the biochemical troops performs scientific tests of biological weapons on chimpanzees and guinea pigs. He likes his work and the conditions at the regiment. The Colonel is convinced that he is working for the benefit of his country.
      The activities of the military affect the lives of the civilian population of the small fishing town Aralsk. Bacteriologist Galym from the Anti-Plague Station chooses to ignore traces of poisoning from the testing of bioweapons among the civilian population.
      Meanwhile, CIA Agent Matthew, under the cover of missionary activities, is gathering information on stocks of bioweapons in the former Soviet Union. The bacteriologist Galym promises to reveal the location of the world’s largest secretly buried stockpile of 200 tons of the bioweapon Anthrax-836 for a reward.
      As a result of an accident during bioweapons tests carried out by the military, a poisonous cloud hits the civilian ship Lev Berg, with a scientific expedition onboard. Soon, the ship is detained by the military and sent to a quarantine zone on Rebirth Island.
      The Skipper and Steersman of the Lev Berg ship wake up in the prison cell of the DUNE military base. They disarm the guard and begin their escape from the military base. The Skipper and Steersman are killed in a firefight.
      Meanwhile, the cook from the Lev Berg ship remains alive, military scientist Alice wants to carry out an experiment on her. The Colonel decides to rescue the cook and take her out of the base. He sets fire to the laboratory’s pathogens archive and takes the woman to a canyon cave on the island. On their way to the cave, they accidentally stumble upon the burial of 200 tons of combat strain Anthrax-836.
      When the colonel returns to the base, he is arrested on suspicion of treason.
      Lieutenant General Baranovich arrives from Moscow and announces the closure of the DUNE military base by order of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR.
      Epilogue 1995. Matthew and specialists from the Pentagon and the US 6th Fleet arrived on Rebirth Island to deactivate Anthrax-836. Colonel Dautov among them.