Drama - Completed 2013

    • Year of production
    • 2013
    • Genres
    • Drama
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 100 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Zrinko OGRESTA
    • Writer(s)
    • Lada KAŠTELAN
    • Producer(s)
    • Ivan MALOČA (Interfilm)
    • Synopsis
    • Welcome to one of the final sessions of a four-year programme in group therapy in Zagreb. The head lecturer for the programme is an American psychiatrist-psychotherapist named Benjamin Blau, and the group is made up of three psychiatrists, two psychologists, a special education teacher and two pedagogues. Their motives for attending this programme are twofold: because of their own professional ambition and because of Professor Blau’s worldwide reputation. Projections takes place in a rehearsal hall at a music school. The hall is located in the basement; it is completely soundproof, with no windows and only one door. The plot is very intense and is driven by the charged and turbulent relationships between the characters. At the centre of the story is a 40-year old psychiatrist, Simona K., who is much more successful in her professional life than in her private life.
      This is not, however, a film about group psychotherapy. That is simply a means for exploring its real themes: in particular, the relationship with a father figure, represented by Professor Blau. The members of the group project onto him their personal, usually complex, relationships with their own fathers – as well as their relationships with any authority figure. The position
      of power in which Professor Blau finds himself within the group, and which he emphasizes through the strict rules that he imposes on the group, represents a picture of the world in which we live, torn between structured, repressive hierarchy and destructive, terrifying chaos. A world in which a lot is left unexplained, and maybe even unexplainable, is another theme. The fact that different interpretations of events, characters and relationships between the characters are possible is fully intentional. The film also explores the challenge of experiencing other people’s feelings and understanding their actions.