Gaetano DI VAIO (Figli del Bronx Produzioni), Gianluca CURTI (Minerva Pictures Group)
The denial of access, the impossibility of participating. The permanent exclusion is a paradox. The impossibility to be part of social life. Living in the slums of Naples, just like in others of the world where the basic rights access is denied. The right to have a job, an income, to survive. Maybe just like in other suburbs of the world, in Naples ones try to overcome the lack of the State with imagination, reinventing a job. Meanwhile, the conditions of those who are marginalized by the society become increasingly unbearable. On the paths of those who try to recycle old metal during the night and others that chase aid packages given from the Caritas only to a few families, we meet the lives and difficulties of those who are sentenced to an everlasting interdiction.
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