By Deborah ROMARE, Vincent WILEY


Comedy - Completed 2006

Callie Robinson is brought on-board to work at the Abbott facility. The place is never hard up for business because the show takes place in Hollywood, a town full of people on the verge of a nervous breakdown. On her first day she meets Jake (a sex addict); a guy named Jesus who talks with God; an

    • Year of production
    • 2006
    • Genres
    • Comedy
    • Countries
    • USA
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 98 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Deborah ROMARE, Vincent WILEY
    • Writer(s)
    • Deborah ROMARE, Vincent WILEY
    • Producer(s)
    • Deborah ROMARE (19th Day Pictures), Vincent WILEY (19th Day Pictures)
    • Synopsis
    • Callie Robinson is a beautiful, intelligent, free-spirited young woman, groomed by her father to follow in his footsteps and become a traditional psychiatrist. But much to his surprise Callie has rejected her father’s conventional methods and not become the Freudian prodigy he had hoped for.
      After graduating top of her class, Callie is brought onboard to work at the Abbott facility.
      The place is never hard up for business. The show takes place in Hollywood, a town full of people on the verge of a breakdown.
      On her first day she meets Jake (a sex addict), a guy named Jesus who talks with God, and Hannah, a young girl who just can’t stop running away from home... just to name a few.
      The series will have a revolving door aspect, where characters will come in and out of the show as they need therapy and that much desired getaway. We will follow these characters inside and out of the facility from the moment of their meltdown and throughout their time at the Abbott Center as they learn to work through their day-to-day issues and deal with problems in new, healthy ways.