Drama - Completed 2015

Dad to the races, is the story of a father who seeks to make companies and business insane and impossible to leave a secured future family

    • Year of production
    • 2015
    • Genres
    • Drama, Comedy
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 50 - + M$
    • Duration
    • 79 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Harold TROMPETERO
    • Writer(s)
    • Harold TROMPETERO
    • Producer(s)
    • Harold TROMPETERO (Trompetero Producciones SAS)
    • Synopsis
    • Henry, a successful executive of a multinational is ready to be moved to a neighboring country and promoted as branch manager of the company where he works, for this have asked to do some physical and skills tests.

      Henry tells his wife and children that is almost certain to be living outside the country, everyone is happy and celebrate.

      The head of Enrique, showing some papers of the tests presented, informed him that under the circumstances should dispense with their labor services.

      After leaving his job, Enrique is consumed in a great depression, debts and expenses are high and there is no such cover. His friends in the neighborhood where he lived a lifetime, sympathize and offer it driver like them.

      Lacking money, the relationship with their children Enrique begins to fracture, not having them everything they want begin to lose respect for his father, who tries to change the logic of the relationship and instilling values ​​for lost time.

      Enrique in his new job as a taxi driver is frustrated, he looks anxious, money does not reach him and his wife began to berate him how it is spending what you earn.

      One day, leaving a foreigner in one of his tours taxi, the man asks him of all coins you have, Enrique asks you to do the like, foreign tells him to take them to their country of gift, Henry will turn on the light bulb: choose up his first big business that will bring economic troubles and will become millionaires, pack coins to sell to foreigners as souvenirs.

      This is how Henry, in his desperation to achieve economic stability and ensure the future of his family, including racing taxi begins to build a business number each time you go driving more and more to economic bankruptcy, but to strengthen its ties with his children and his wife.