The documentary series “Mysteries of Space” tells of the mysteries and the newest discoveries in the Universe and Earth’s nature. Every day provides scientists with sensational discoveries which change our view of the world around us. Science is moving forward, but the Universe is asking many intriguing questions, the answers to which have yet to be found. Research probes deliver unbelievable findings to scientific laboratories, the newest observatories document strange phenomena and signals, experiments return unexpected results. Trends in world news – strange artefacts on the nearest planets of the Solar System, unexpected activities in the depths of deep space, exciting discoveries of new planets and puzzling phenomena on Earth. New facts force us to consider and re-evaluate our relationship to such age-old questions, like “Are we alone in the Universe?”, ”How did man come to be?”, “How is the world around us organized?”, and come to unexpected conclusions. 2017, Russia FORMAT: documentary series (HD) GENRE: popular science RUN TIME: 21 x 45’ MYSTERIES OF SPACE DOCUMENTARY HIGHLIGHTS 2. SPACE EUROPA 1. THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON 3. LIVING VENUS 4. MYSTERIES OF THE WATER 5. THE SECRET OF THE GIANTS 7. HUNTING THE UFOs 6. THE GATES FOR THE GODS 8. UFO WRECKAGE 9. SPACE TECHNOLOGISTS 10. CREATORS OF THE UNIVERSE 12. THE MIND BEYOND THE EARTH 11. PIONEERS OF THE UNIVERSE 13. THE MOON MATRIX 14. TOURISTS FROM SPACE 15.GUESTS OF THE PLANET 17. INHABITANTS OF DISTANT WORLDS 16. MEGACITIES OF THE RED PLANET 18. MYSTERIES OF THE UNIVERSE 19. THE BLACK PLANET 20. ALIEN PREDATORS 21
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