By Daniele VICARI

WIDE - as SALES All rights, World

Documentary - Completed 2006

    • Year of production
    • 2006
    • Genres
    • Documentary
    • Countries
    • ITALY
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 113 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Daniele VICARI
    • Producer(s)
    • Fabrizio GROSOLI (Vivo Film), Gregorio PAONESSA (Vivo Film), Marta DONZELLI (Vivo Film)
    • Synopsis
    • A documentary where the images of Ivens are a constant reference, a thematic and
      narrative suggestion, where the discovery of an industrial and post-industrial Italian
      landscape with great visual impact is grafted. The country is seen today as compared with
      forty five years ago, together with a picture of a unique historical moment and a page of great
      Between 1959 and 1960 one of the greatest documentary-makers in the history of
      cinema, Joris Ivens, realized – commissioned by Enrico Mattei president of Eni – a film with
      an emblematic title: Italy is Not a Poor Country. Through a long trip, starting from the North
      just reborn from the ruins of the second world conflict, to the South still rural, Ivens told the
      effort of the industrialization of a country on the eve of the economical boom.
      What has remained today of that dream?
      Between 2005 and 2006 Daniel Vicari travelled again throughout Italy in the opposite
      direction in order to tell the current situation marked by the national economical crisis and the
      consequent loss of international competitivity. During his trip – from the industrial Sicily of
      Gela and Termini Imerese, passing from Melfi, to the laboratories of Enea in Rome, where
      research on the alternative energies are carried out, to a city like Prato, with its complex
      issues of Chinese immigration, to Port Marghera –, Vicari describes a country which is in
      difficulty, that is changing its structures: together with its decline, the reconversion and the
      new transformation of Italy emerges.