By Jero YUN


Documentary - Completed 2016

North Korean Mrs. B. is a smuggler in China. She goes to South Korea to be reunited with her sons. She is suspected of being a spy by Intelligence Services.

& Awards

Zurich FF 2016
International Documentary Film Competition Oeil d'or
Cannes IFF 2016
Moscow IFF 2016
Best Documentary Award (Silver St-George)
Jeonju Int'l FF 2016
Official Competition
Milano Film Festival 2016
State (T)errors
State (T)errors 2016
New Talent Competition
Fête de l’Humanité 2016
DMZ International Documentary Film Festival 2016
    • Year of production
    • 2016
    • Genres
    • Documentary
    • Countries
    • FRANCE, KOREA (South)
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 0 - 0.3 M$
    • Duration
    • 71 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Jero YUN
    • Writer(s)
    • Jero YUN
    • Producer(s)
    • Guillaume DE LA BOULAYE (Zorba Production), Jae Keun CHA (Su:m)
    • Synopsis
    • Mrs. B. worked in a weapons factory in North Korea. Ten years ago, she left her village for China. She intended to work there for a year then go back home to her husband and their two sons. But she was sold by traffickers to Jin, a poor Chinese peasant.

      She lives in Jin’s family farm where she helps her husband she has come to love. And she has become a smuggler herself. Mrs. B. was a victim of the system with which she now collaborates. She smuggles North Korean migrants towards South Korea, sometimes on behalf of the protestant church.

      Mrs. B. plans to reunite with the sons she wasn’t able to raise. She has managed, thanks to her money and network, to smuggle them into South Korea. She prepares her belongings, and shares a last meal with Jin and her parents-in-law. Jin accompanies her part of the way, but soon has to let her go on without him. She leaves with a small group of North Koreans. Day and night, they pile into buses, cars, trucks and occasional sordid little bedroom. They tell their stories. They are scared to be caught. From the Lao border, the group walks through mountain and jungle to the Mekong River where a boat takes them across to Thailand. The migrants are exhausted. They are arrested there, and held by the police in Bangkok, before being transferred to the South Korean immigration service.

      Mrs. B. is now in Seoul with her two sons. She spent 6 months in a National Intelligence Service Centre of investigation. The members of the group she travelled with and her North Korean ex-husband accused her of spying and trafficking. She refused to sign the confession written for her by the intelligence officer. To finally start a new life with her sons and, she hopes, her husband Jin who she intends to help join her from China, Mrs. B. has to fight for justice. A new battle begins with help from the organization “Lawyers for democracy”.
    • Partners & financing
    • BCPF Foundation Grant – South Korea
      Busan Cultural Foundation Grant – South Korea
      Jeonju Film Festival – Audience Award
      CNC – New Media Support - France
      CNC & Institut Français – World Cinema Support (Aide aux Cinémas du Monde) - France