By Wegrzyn RADEK


Documentary - Completed 2023

It’s not about who has the deepest scars. It’s about the one who celebrates life the most.

    • Year of production
    • 2023
    • Genres
    • Documentary
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 89 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Wegrzyn RADEK
    • Writer(s)
    • Radek WEGRZYN
    • Producer(s)
    • Radek WEGRZYN (Magical Realist Films), Roberto GAGNOR (Magical Realist Films)
    • Synopsis
    • Miss Holocaust Survivor follows the lives of Rita (85) and Tova (95), residents of Haifa (Israel) and Holocaust survivors, as they embark on a beauty pageant for women who survived the Holocaust, where they are judged not on exterior beauty, but on the beauty they emanate from within and the stories they tell about survival. Rita survived the Holocaust by spending 19 months in a dark pit underneath a stable with her family. During that same time Tova manage to survive three concentration camps, yet lost large parts of her family to the Nazi murder machine. Both women managed to build families and lead interesting, independent lives despite the traumas hidden below the surface. In addition to shedding light on Tova's and Rita's life stories and their approach to 'celebrating life,' the film prompts viewers to question the validity of a beauty pageant, and ultimately, to ponder the question of who holds the authority to pass judgment and shape the collective memory of the Holocaust and its survivors.