By Terence Bernie HINES


Horror - Completed 2024

Desperate for cash, five friends enter a creepy murder house for a $25K dark web contest, only to end up in a brutal fight for their lives against a 7 foot tall religious maniac with a sledgehammer who’s out to kill all sinners.

    • Year of production
    • 2024
    • Genres
    • Horror, Thriller
    • Countries
    • USA
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 0 - 0.3 M$
    • Duration
    • 70 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Terence Bernie HINES
    • Writer(s)
    • Terence Bernie HINES
    • Producer(s)
    • Terence Bernie HINES (Black++Productions), Sonia MACHADO-HINES (Black++Productions), Christy DIDIER (Black++Productions)
    • Synopsis
    • Desperate for quick cash and a way out of town, five friends—Stevo, Jada, Michelle, Adam, and Jen—accept a dark web challenge: spend 24 hours in the infamous abandoned “Clay Murder House” and win $25,000 each. They also have a different plan in mind. Hearing rumors of hidden treasures inside the home, they also want to steal whatever valuables they can. But finding that the house isn’t empty. They quickly decide to trick the house’s lone occupant into letting them in, intending to overpower him and loot the place.

      Their plan quickly goes awry when they discover the occupant is a towering, seven-foot-tall psychotic religious fanatic serial killer who is known as THE MAULER. As they try to gain entry, THE MAULER seizes Stevo, their leader, and drags him inside. Stevo’s friends can only watch in horror as he is tortured. The Mauler’s twisted sense of divine justice driving his actions.

      Determined to rescue Stevo and escape with their lives, the remaining friends—Jada, Michelle, Adam, and Jen—devise frantic plans to outwit the Mauler. But one by one, they fall victim to his brutal methods, their screams echoing through the house as he wields a massive sledgehammer in the name of divine retribution.

      Jen and Adam, lovers determined to survive, must confront their deepest fears and the terrifying reality of the Mauler’s mission. As they uncover the true extent of his madness, they realize that their only hope if to kill or be killed.

      “Mauler” is a brutal and unforgiving horror thriller that delves into the darkest corners of human desperation and the chilling consequences of a twisted faith. Each gruesome death brings the Mauler closer to his perceived redemption, leaving the audience breathless until the final, bloody confrontation.