By Dali RUST


Documentary - Completed 2012

This film is the story of a special, creative family, a family bound together by complicated relationships, accompanied by pain, and finding consolation in the throes of creativity.

    • Year of production
    • 2012
    • Genres
    • Documentary
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 0 - 0.3 M$
    • Duration
    • 57 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Dali RUST
    • Writer(s)
    • Dali RUST
    • Producer(s)
    • Julia MISHKINENE (Vita Aktiva), Dagne VILDŽIŪNAITĖ (Just a moment)
    • Synopsis
    • The main characters of the film are Marina Tarkovskaya, a writer, the daughter of the poet Arseny Tarkovsky and the sister of the film director Andrey Tarkovsky, and her husband Aleksandr Gordon, a film director, screenwriter, actor and writer, Andrey Tarkovsky’s friend and brother-in-law.
      This is the story of a special, creative family, a family bound together by complicated relationships, accompanied by pain, misunderstanding, and sadness. Just like any family. But these people were finding consolation in the throes of creativity. That was the life of Arseny the poet and Andrey the director, this is the life of Marina and Aleksandr now.
      We will be hosted by the characters in their houses in Tarusa and Moscow. We will visit the places where Marina lived previously and lives now, where each item is filled with meaning, tells the story of its owners, their past and present.
    • Beginning of shooting
    • Jun 01, 2011