By James D'ARCY

PVR INOX PICTURES LTD/PVR INOX LTD. - as DISTR Theatrical, TV, DVD-video, VOD, INDIA, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Maldives

Drama - Completed 2019

A bohemian artist travels from London to Italy with his estranged son to sell the house they inherited from their late wife/mother.

    • Year of production
    • 2019
    • Genres
    • Drama, Romance, Comedy
    • Countries
    • ITALY
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 94 mn
    • Director(s)
    • James D'ARCY
    • Writer(s)
    • James D'ARCY
    • Producer(s)
    • Pippa CROSS, Sam TIPPER-HALE
    • Synopsis
    • Jack Foster is getting divorced from his wife Ruth. Her family is selling the art gallery where he works as a manager, which devastates him. He decides to buy the gallery by selling the old Italian home he owns with his estranged father Robert, a famous artist. The house belonged to Jack's mother and Robert's wife, an Italian woman who died in a car accident when he was small.

      Jack takes Robert with him to Italy and tells him he needs the money to buy the gallery from Ruth's parents. When they arrive, they find it is completely rundown. Kate, an estate agent, comes to survey the home. She tells them the house is in a bad condition, but if they fix the house, it could be worth more. Jack tries to clean but then decides to sell the house as is.

      Jack meets Natalia at her restaurant. Robert looks at photos of his deceased wife and the whole house reminds him of her. He decides to help Jack restore the home. They hire locals to help renovate it. Robert and Jack befriend some of the locals including Natalia and invite them to a party at the house. She tells Jack that she has an eight-year-old daughter and is divorced. As her husband lied about her, she only gets partial custody.

      A buyer comes to look at the house but is not satisfied. Kate tells Robert that the house needs more work, so he asks Natalia to help. After Natalia and her daughter help with the renovations. Robert tells her that after his wife died, he sent Jack away to boarding school to keep him away from all the reminders of his mother. Ever since she died, he could not drive or paint.

      Kate comes over and sees the house almost fully done. A couple arrives to look at the house, and decide they want to buy it. Meanwhile, Jack tells Natalia about his impending divorce and how Ruth has taken everything from him, which she can relate to. He tells her how he could not paint like his father but thought he could make the gallery a success, but his father never supported him.

      Later, he enters his father's workspace and sees painting after painting of his mother, and of himself. When Robert finds him, Jack wants to know why he locked away all his memories and his childhood. Robert says he thought it was the fastest way to get him out of pain, and Jack screams at him that he never let him in and never talked to him. He begins wrecking the space, and Robert holds him as they collapse onto the floor. Later, they talk about her for the first time, sharing memories of her, and Robert begins crying, recounting what happened the day she died. He was so wrapped up in painting that he let a young Jack walk to school. He blames himself for her death as he kept on painting. Jack hugs and comforts him, and tells him about his divorce from Ruth.

      The next day, at the house, the couple who decide to buy the house disrespect it and in response Robert tells them that he will not sell the house to them, which angers Jack. Robert admits he cannot give the house up and Jack accuses him of never having any intent