3D - Development 2012

All begins from international avia-show Max Russian team of airplane, leading during own program loose at the end. They gain revenge through one year.
After one year, avia-show will be in Russian Federation. And all believes on new fighter top class SU 37, Knight. For security reasons before avia

    • Year of production
    • 2012
    • Genres
    • 3D, Animation
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 1 - 3 M$
    • Duration
    • 90 mn
    • Writer(s)
    • Tilek CHERIKOV, Timur CHERIKOV
    • Producer(s)
    • Timur CHERIKOV (Green Light Cinema), Tilek CHERIKOV (Green Light Cinema)
    • Synopsis
    • All begins from international avia-show Max Russian team of airplane, leading during own program loose at the end. They gain revenge through one year.
      After one year, avia-show will be in Russian Federation. And all believes on new fighter top class SU 37, Knight. For security reasons before avia-show he transported to old avia-base away of mass media, at this base in commonly are living the rest of one's days old military equipment.
      Knight right away attracts attention of all inhabitants of old avia base. But not all dispose to hearty welcome to the Knight, e.g. some of inhabitants all time play a joke on recruit sometimes too much.
      This only half the trouble, main enemy of the Knight, is the Thunder, Mig 29. This enemy understands, so far as stronger and exceeds the Knight, in this connection, the Thunder hates him. But actual reason dislike to the Knight this is the Lighting, easy aircraft, which lives not far from air base, archly looks to young boy. The Thunder is thinking the Lighting his girl friend at least it is in his mind.
      The Knight although newer and equip best but he has no strong background. For example he is holding yourself that he ready for air show. Ah, how he is mistaking. But not all so bad, because ace is of sky, real professional, which can help to the Knight become actual champion. He is wiser and big stronger IL 2 the Veteran. What are efforts the Knight costs that the Veteran help him and believe himself and Ace of sky taking the Knight.
      It are beginning wearisome, some strange trainings. As later clarify very useful trainings.
      All is going good but envious the Thunder tries to prevent the Knight. It is using that the Knight no indifferent to the Lighting, the Thunder sending it to the hero for loosing him on avia-show.
      Guileful plan of the Thunder begin to work. The Knight begins not intent on trainings, late for trainings and wrangle with the Ace of Sky.
      But at interesting other, the Lighting begins to love to the Knight. No busily and fine lovely relations the Knight to the Lighting grow into wild and passionate. This is change all; both have big risk, but them like it. Because the Knight can surprise beautiful the Lighting, amazing and fine place Alamo.
      But later would be no so good the first all the Knight relaxing and this condition prevent him trains at second the Lighting confused it is not how to tell all truth the Knight. At third the Thunder wins the Knight in local competition between them.
      After these and other events the Knight stays alone. It has no time for international competitions and the Knight is not ready. It has not coach, no girl friend, no friends, nobody to support him. In general it may to pack suitcase and… but the Knight no coward.
      Cap it all, the Ace of Sky one day before international competitions tragically perishes. Only the Lighting can make it strengthen shacked trust of the Knight.
      The Lighting musters, despite everything participate in avia show.
      Fantastic way, take oneself in hand, it has victory and first place on avia show, leave so far foreign competitors. All incredibly happy and go to victory best of the best our hero. But it has debt and it must to pay for death of the Knight teachers.
      The Knight and the Lighting are together.
      As usually how we can see cartoon movies without special counter in that case it would be speaking dove.
    • Production schedule
    • 2010-2012