By Sergio MANFIO

SMILE ENT. - as DISTR Theatrical, TV, DVD-video, VOD / BUYER REP

Animation - Completed 2018

A new exciting adventure of the young Leonardo da Vinci

    • Year of production
    • 2018
    • Genres
    • Animation, Family, Action/Adventure
    • Countries
    • ITALY
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 83 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Sergio MANFIO
    • Producer(s)
    • Francesco MANFIO (Gruppo Alcuni)
    • Synopsis
    • “Life flows peacefully in Vinci: Leonardo is struggling with his incredible inventions, Lorenzo helps him and Gioconda observes them mockingly.
      Coming back from a trip to the lake, our friends have an unwanted surprise: Gioconda’s house and fields have mysteriously burst into flames.
      Gioconda has to be helped! The solution seems at hand with the arrival of a weird storyteller who speaks of a hidden treasure. And so begins a great adventure!
      During their quest for the treasure, Gioconda and Leo meet Niccolò (Mikołaj), a Polish boy fond of stargazing and they are helped by Agnes, a lively little girl.
      Very soon, our heroes realize that their undertaking is quite difficult, because they have to deal with a group of sinister pirates.
      Leo’s ingenious inventions, the skirmishes with the pirates, Gioconda’s bright ideas, Niccolò and Agnes’ hilarious plans follow one another at a frenzied rhythm up to the discovery of the treasure.
      It seems they made it, but… “