SAMAPICTURES - as SALES All rights, World

Children's - Completed 2020

In today's speedy world that the parents neither have enough time to play with their kids, nor have an opportunity to correspond with the world where the rate of changes are too fast. New instructional approaches look for the solutions to treat the kids in a way to make them able to explore the environment and let them corre­spond with it by their own.
In other word, new instructional approaches teach them to fish instead of feeding him for a day.
Today's kids should be trained curious and sensitive, they should be involved in the matters and they find the solutions by their own.

    • Year of production
    • 2020
    • Genres
    • Children's, Animation
    • Countries
    • IRAN
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 4 mn
    • Producer(s)
    • Masoud SAFAVI
    • Synopsis
    • The aim of this Animated film entitle "koko bobo" is to make the children sensitive to the ordinary surrounding world. The project tries to encourage the kids to have creative looks to the daily life.
      In general, although the characters in the ordinary and even a bit boring surround­ings are not too much adroit, but they could foster a change and exciting adventures from simple events by taking advantages of their creative, particular and sometimes comic looks.