Animation - Development 2023

Kavin and Co. is a fun animated educational series for children focusing primarily on building empathy and teachings around social interactions, in addition to the standard core learnings of a toddler.

    • Year of production
    • 2023
    • Genres
    • Animation, Children's, 3D
    • Countries
    • CANADA
    • Synopsis
    • Kavin and Co. is centered around toddler Kavin and his younger baby sister Anaya, as they navigate and explore their early life which is a world with changing social norms. Of South Indian origin, they are both born and live in a fictitious North American town along with their friends that come from diverse backgrounds. The stories will be simple and the animation artistic. Example episodes will feature learnings about the environment, raising awareness about green energy, accepting of others despite differences and focusing on similarities. Cultural norms of others will also be explored through interactions with friends and neighbors.