By A-Ga SHIN, Sang-Cheol LEE

INDIESTORY INC. - as SALES All rights, World

Drama - Completed 2011

A middle-aged woman, Hyun-soon stands at the cross roads of religious conviction and cold reality. Should she leave her mother attached to a life support machine indefinitely or should she disconnect it?

    • Year of production
    • 2011
    • Genres
    • Drama, Family
    • Countries
    • KOREA (South)
    • Languages
    • KOREAN
    • Duration
    • 91 mn
    • Director(s)
    • A-Ga SHIN, Sang-Cheol LEE
    • Writer(s)
    • A-Ga SHIN
    • Producer(s)
    • Sang-Cheol LEE
    • Synopsis
    • A tough milk delivery woman, Hyun-soon has a secret that she doesn't want to reveal to others. Her unconscious old mother in a hospital and her pregnant daughter in her 20's only know Hyun-soon’s secret. When her sister and brother are against to their mother's life prolongation, Hyun-soon says weird things. As the family has noticed about her secret, they think that Hyun-soon is into a heretic. They plan to leave Hyun-soon out in the cold. However, everything becomes blurring when the family almost succeeds in stopping their mother's life prolongation as Hyun-soon's daughter Su-jin, who has helped them out, being on Hyun-soon's side.