CANOE FILM - as SALES All rights, World

Documentary - Completed 2023

A Brooklyn wife and mother of 5 who's been beset by supernatural entities since the age of 11, attempts to rid her house of malevolent spirits now afflicting her children.

& Awards

Hot Docs 2023
    • Year of production
    • 2023
    • Genres
    • Documentary, Horror
    • Countries
    • USA
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 88 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Shannon ALEXANDER
    • Producer(s)
    • Shannon ALEXANDER (Early Autumn)
    • Synopsis
    • Ashley is used to not being believed. She has seen spirits since she was 11, but her encounters with the supernatural escalate upon returning to her family’s ancestral apartment in Brooklyn. A day trader, wife and mother, she doesn’t tell a lot of people about her paranormal experiences. “When things like this happen to African Americans we tend not to seek professional opinions or help because we don’t want to sound or look crazy.” But keeping the apparitions to herself becomes impossible when the entities begin threatening her children. When her son Javier starts describing his interactions with a long, black shadow with a staring problem named Kitty, Ashley is forced to take action. A genuinely unsettling documentary horror that suggests more than shows, It’s Coming is not shy about flashing references, from Candyman to A Nightmare on Elm Street to Slenderman and its subtext concerning mental health stigma and generational trauma. One, two, Kitty’s coming for you. Three, four, better lock your door…

      DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT. Over the last few years there's been an increase in requests for exorcisms to the Church accompanied by a resurgent interest in spirits, demonology, and the paranormal in American culture. I was curious to document real life experiences from the 10% of claims that are considered legitimate cases, and living in New York City provided the perfect investigative grounds. Avoiding tired horror-like clichés, It's Coming follows a seemingly average Brooklyn family that has been dealing with a hostile supernatural presence in their ancestral home that up until now, they weren't discussing beyond their community. An eerie mysterious presence makes itself known throughout production and is experienced inimitably through the eyes of a mother and her children.