Documentary - Pre-Production 2018

While they were visible to their perpetrators, today they are invisible to society.

    • Year of production
    • 2018
    • Genres
    • Documentary, Social issues
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 25 - 50 M$
    • Duration
    • 70 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Yubo FERNANDEZ
    • Producer(s)
    • Yubo FERNANDEZ
    • Synopsis
    • Yubo Fernandez, actress, director and philanthropist, creates a documentary that exposes an alarming situation of sexual abuse in her native country.
      In the Dominican Republic, girls and adolescents live under the threat of sexual abuse. 6 out of 13 six girls are sexually assaulted. 46% of girls under 9 years old live in extreme poverty, which makes them vulnerable and at risk of violence. So far this year, 234 girls have been referred to the Passage Homes, receiving 785 cases last year. they were cases of incest (these are not all cases since according to the UN and UNICEF report the majority of rape cases are not reported by their victims or families in the DR, especially because families do not believe girls , feel ashamed or protect the perpetrator). This documentary shows that the Dominican Republic is a highly violent country for girls at risk of extreme poverty. The function of these Shelter Homes is to safeguard life and give emotional stability to girls at risk and vulnerability or who have already been violated. Some of them manage to reintegrate into society but most do not, becoming mothers at an early age, leaving school or engaging in prostitution. Juanita Pérez was a victim of sexual abuse, she lived in a foster home from 11 to 16 years old, she is currently an economist and businesswoman, she tells us how her years were before she reintegrated into society and afterwards. This documentary explores stories of victims of sexual abuse from 4 years of age plus the function and effectiveness of the Shelter Homes based not only on the stories told but also on the statistics. We show other girls that although they live in extreme poverty have less risk of being violated by being involved in positive activities such as sports, arts and crafts that keep them away from the dangers, increase their self-esteem by making it clear that the training they receive at home influences as a priority in the protection of these girls and how the victims are invisible to society, since the sexual and rape issue is a taboo subject and causes shame in the Dominican Republic. In this work they will see how the victims vanish by becoming invisible, girls and women who do not receive the necessary support to be protected, educated and reinserted into society, a case that is not a priority in this country, plagued by machismo, perpetrators of all social classes and a country where people are already beginning to see harassment and rape as something that caused the victim or in the worst case is indifferent to them, they do not see them, they are invisible.
    • Partners & financing
    • Partially protected by the Film Law of the Dominican Republic.
    • Beginning of shooting
    • Aug 01, 2018
    • End of shooting
    • Sep 03, 2018