The film „Illusion of Fear” is focused on a story of the succesfull businessman, who is forced to protect his own business in difficult circumstances. He gets in the slaughterhouse with the top brass (illegal arrest, physical mockery, forced signing of blank contracts etc.). Attempts to find organizer of this assault are unavailing, in the prosecutor's office there is no data about businesman’s imprisonment. After arrest main hero begins to notice strange things: some of his interlocutors turn out not real people, but fantoms created by his consciousness. Psychiatris he met in imprisonment, envoy of criminals, old friend from childhood – all of them are only his illusion. Gradually the main hero also dematerializes. Illusory nature, dematerializing of things wich are obvious for common sense takes author to the next level of reflections – about illusion of fear, that also are the result of our imagination. And they could both dematerialize and materialize depending on conception of concrete person.
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