For the first time in decades, an exile arrives in Palestine and enters his family home. His mission is to recollect and liquidate remnants of the past. Based on family lore, he finds a document that sends him on a journey to find a lost gem. His expedition across the present connects him with places, people, and Palestinian plains. All appears impossible in the city, on the streets, throughout the land, beyond the beaten path, and at the lowest point on earth. Unfruitful efforts increase his frustration as his family abroad pressures him to report back on his findings. This is not the country his family had left behind, and he might have to reconcile with his new reality: he might be an outsider, and dreams of return may be a mirage. The plot thickens when his encounters lead him to a confrontation with Abu Bassam, a steward of the land, who reminds him that Palestine always remembers its people and keeps their roots alive. The exile’s mission transforms from liquidation to reincarnation, leading to a new state of permanence.
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