By Joseph MOREL


Social issues - Pre-Production 2025

After his daughter’s suicide, an ordinary family man spirals into grief, alcoholism and homelessness. Haunted by his past life and isolated on the streets, Graham is confronted with a choice, descend further into despair or strive for something more.

    • Year of production
    • 2025
    • Genres
    • Social issues, First film, Drama
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 3 - 5 M$
    • Duration
    • 120 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Joseph MOREL
    • Writer(s)
    • Joseph MOREL
    • Producer(s)
    • Amanda SALVATI (Neon Picture House)
    • Synopsis
    • In HOME we are introduced to Graham, a retail worker whose life is shattered by his daughter Laura's suicide. Overwhelmed by grief and unable to cope, Graham's existence becomes a shadow of its former self, marked by increasing alcohol dependence and haunting visions of Laura in strangers. His marriage to Sarah frays under the weight of his despair, distancing him further from any semblance of normalcy.

      As Graham's life unravels, his relationship with sobriety weakens, leading to the loss of his job after a violent encounter with his boss. This incident draws Graham's estranged brother Tommy back into his life, despite a complicated past involving Sarah. Graham's resentment towards the world intensifies after a brutal attack by teenagers, pushing him to a breaking point where he violently lashes out at Tommy and Sarah. Choosing isolation, Graham spirals further into violence and homelessness, turning his back on those who attempt to reach out. Years on the streets harden Graham, leaving him trapped in a cycle of suffering and resentment.

      A critical night forces Graham to confront his demons when he follows a girl resembling Laura into a club, setting off a chain of events that drags him to his lowest point. Faced with the consequences of his actions and the potential for change, Graham must decide if he can mend the shattered relationships with his family. After years of isolation, can he come back into society, and more importantly, should he.

    • Beginning of shooting
    • Feb 03, 2025
    • End of shooting
    • May 30, 2024