By Patrick MORELL


Documentary - Completed 2014

    • Year of production
    • 2014
    • Genres
    • Documentary
    • Countries
    • USA
    • Duration
    • 90 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Patrick MORELL
    • Synopsis

    • Opening in July 2006, the final segment of the highest train in the world, from Beijing to Lhasa is a technical feat. But is it not also a threat to the survival of the cultural and religious identity of Tibet? For thousands of years the indigenous people of the Tibetan Plateau lived in relative isolation, surviving as a devout nomadic agrarian society, following the teachings of the Dalai Lamas, including the current one. Today the railway completed in 2006 has opened up this region bringing a wave of Chinese migration from Beijing to Lhasa and to the Tibetan Autonomous Region. What does this train mean for survival of the culture of the Tibetan Nomads and how has it affected and will it continue to affect their lives? These are the questions explored in the High Train to Tibet- an epic and exciting look at one of humanity’s most ancient and heroic people.