By Vincenzo NATALI

EDKO FILMS LTD - as DISTR Theatrical, TV, DVD-video, VOD

Horror - Completed 2012

    • Year of production
    • 2012
    • Genres
    • Horror
    • Countries
    • USA
    • Director(s)
    • Vincenzo NATALI
    • Writer(s)
    • Brian KING
    • EIDR
    • 10.5240/8094-5E6D-361C-380B-38A5-D
    • Producer(s)
    • Steve HOBAN
    • Synopsis
    • Lisa Johnson is one day shy of her sixteenth birthday. And she will be forever. She and her family are dead and doomed to repeat that fateful last day before they were all killed in 1985.
      Only Lisa has “woken up” and realizes what is going on. Her Mom, Dad and little brother Robbie re-live the same daily routine blissfully unaware they’ve done it thousands of times before.
      There is no escape from the family home. An impenetrable fog surrounds the house and any attempt to get through it only brings Lisa back to where she started. As she tries to make sense of what is going on, she starts to feel as if she is being haunted, but the “ghost” turns out to be Olivia, a very much alive girl close to her own age, who lives in the house in the present day with her own family. The two girls establish a shaky link, with Lisa able to inhabit Olivia’s body for short periods.
      With Olivia’s help, Lisa discovers that the house once belonged to a serial killer known as The Pharmacist, who kidnapped teenage girls over a period of decades and burned their remains in a hidden furnace room. When he died, The Pharmacist became a Haunter - a powerful, evil spirit able to possess the living.
      It was he who took over Lisa’s father and caused him to kill the entire family in the garage on the night before Lisa’s sixteenth birthday. To her
      horror, she realizes The Pharmacist plans to do the same thing with Olivia’s father: history will once again repeat - unless Lisa can find a way to defeat the Haunter before it’s too late.